
Monsters of the Dungeon for 5th Edition and other RPGs

Created by Cawood Publishing

123 new monsters for your 5E game! 7 chapters with 7 different types of dungeons. Conversion tables for PF2, PF1, OSE, and DCC.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Monster of the Day #9
over 1 year ago – Sat, May 06, 2023 at 04:14:03 PM

Hello generous backers! We have just reached the $20000 CAD mark! Over 350 backers have joined us with about three weeks to go. 

Today we highlight another monster that isn't in the Arcane Dungeons chapter (free downloadable booklet on the main Kickstarter page). 

Monster of the Day #9

Statue of Limitations

This elemental is another creature that can hide in plain sight. It can attack with its fists (we will change that attack) and it's hard to get past. The Statue of Limitations is a perfect monster to guard an area or block the party's advance. Of course, you could alter its appearance to suit your adventure. 

There are many well-known elementals in the game like gargoyles and genies. What are your favorites? Comment below

Creation Story - The Wererabbit from Monsters of Feyland

We're going to bring you a series of stories about how our monsters were created. After we pass on the description of a creature, Travis Hanson does his magic. In this case, we wanted a creature similar to the famous White Rabbit but with a twist. We knew we wanted a lycanthrope messenger and a nervous one at that. Travis came up with this illustration along with a necklace of hourglasses and torn clothes. 

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YouTube:  Two-Wizards and a Mic podcast

-Andrew and the team

Monster of the Day #8
over 1 year ago – Fri, May 05, 2023 at 03:33:38 PM

Greetings! We're 60% of the way with 20 days to go! If you have a moment, check out the free download of the first chapter on the main Kickstarter page. Today we highlight a monster that's not in that Arcane Dungeons chapter.

Making Progress!

We're much further along with the manuscript for the book than the other books in the series. At this point, we're already editing and formatting the document. Of course, the book could be larger if we get the Stretch Goals!

Monster of the Day #8

Swarm of Chessmen

Our heroes enter a manor's dungeon and all seems quiet. Without warning, nearby chess pieces animate and attack! These tiny aberrations will definitely surprise your players. 

There are a lot of famous aberrations like the beholder and the mind flayer. What are your favorites? Comment below

Our Worldwide Kickstarter Community

We find it so interesting to see where our backers are from. Here are the top ten cities so far:

1. Los Angeles, USA 2. London, U.K. 3. Toronto, Canada 4. Houston, USA 5. Austin, USA 6. Munich, Germany 7. Sydney, Australia 8. Vancouver, Canada 9. Edmonton, Canada 10. Calgary, Canada

Kickstarter Interview

Here is an interview about the project from the Teachers in the Dungeon podcast.

 Podcast link 

Follow us on our socials

Discord:  Cawood Publishing Discord Server

Twitter:  Cawood Publishing on Twitter

Instagram:  Cawood Publishing on Instagram

Facebook:  Cawood Publishing on Facebook

YouTube:  Two-Wizards and a Mic podcast

-Andrew and the team

Monster of the Day #7
over 1 year ago – Thu, May 04, 2023 at 03:56:35 PM

Happy Thursday! A warm welcome to the new backers.  At 6pm PST/9pm EST tonight we'll be three weeks from the finish line! We're almost 60% of the way. 

Monster of the Day #7

Tarak the Half-Ogre

He's the star of our cover! Tarak is a chaotic neutral half-ogre and the most famous of miners. He carries a magical lantern called Brightskull that can locate the closest precious stones. Tarak is often hired to lead dwarves, gnomes, and even orcs in mining operations. 

Even though Tarak is categorized as a giant, he's more of a humanoid. What humanoids do you like to use in your dungeons? Comment below

Our Worldwide Kickstarter Community

We find it so interesting to see where our backers are from. Here are the top ten countries so far:

1. U.S. 2. Canada 3. U.K. 4. Germany 5. Australia 6. Denmark 7. New Zealand 8. Sweden 9. France 10. Austria 

Kickstarter Review

Here is a video review of the project from JNJ Tabletop.

 YouTube video 

Follow us on our socials

Discord:  Cawood Publishing Discord Server

Twitter:  Cawood Publishing on Twitter

Instagram:  Cawood Publishing on Instagram

Facebook:  Cawood Publishing on Facebook

YouTube:  Two-Wizards and a Mic podcast

-Andrew and the team

Monster of the Day #6
over 1 year ago – Wed, May 03, 2023 at 03:58:38 PM

Hello, hello! We're very close to 60% funded now. Tomorrow at 6pm PST/9pm EST we'll be three weeks from the finish line. 

Monster of the Day #6

Cauldron of Chaos

We love constructs and dungeons can be full of them, especially Arcane Dungeons. This monster can appear to be a simple cauldron and blend into the environment. However, once it animates it can be a challenge for a low level party with its blast attack and heated body. Even better, add multiple cauldrons to your dungeon! 

What kinds of constructs do you enjoy using in your games? Comment below!

Kickstarter Promotion

We have two posts to promote the Kickstarter today on RPG community sites.

EN World:  Monsters of the Dungeon post  Monsters of the Dungeon post 

Follow us on our socials

Discord:  Cawood Publishing Discord Server

Twitter:  Cawood Publishing on Twitter

Instagram:  Cawood Publishing on Instagram

Facebook:  Cawood Publishing on Facebook

YouTube:  Two-Wizards and a Mic podcast

-Andrew and the team

Monster of the Day #5
over 1 year ago – Tue, May 02, 2023 at 04:03:12 PM

Greetings, we continue to progress steadily! Welcome to our new backers! We still have over three weeks to fund the project and get those Stretch Goals.

Our socials are listed below, including a brand new DIscord server to keep in touch with us. You can also email us at [email protected] with any questions.

Monster of the Day #5


This is a powerful monster and we will have a few high level ones in the book. The idea with these creatures is that they guard important entrances, gateways, or portals. The adventurers will have to negotiate with the lawful neutral monster respectfully or things could go badly. 

What kinds of monsters do you have guarding your dungeons? Comment below!

Follow us on our socials

Discord:  Cawood Publishing Discord Server

Twitter:  Cawood Publishing on Twitter

Instagram:  Cawood Publishing on Instagram

Facebook:  Cawood Publishing on Facebook

YouTube:  Two-Wizards and a Mic podcast

-Andrew and the team